
The principle of the oneness of humane world which has been violated by the Baha’i leaders

The second principle of the Baha'is is the oneness of humane world. They claim for all human being to be created by the Excellencies of Lords. Color, face and sight ...

The Baha’i leaders and Persian language

To answer the question about why haven’t the Baha’i leaders protect Persian literature and the Iranian claimants of propehthood, the Baha’i proselytizer has narrated his leaders’ words concerning the position ...

What does Ahmad Rouhi say writing the book “The eight heavens”? Presenting a clear contradiction in the Babism and Baha’ism leaders’ claim and action

The deviant cults of Babism and Baha’ism which are the products of the thoughts of the employees of the impure British government for creating division and disunity among Muslims specially ...

The leaders who weren’t bound to the principles which were being stated by them!

The Baha’ism leaders have emphasized on the necessity for not meddling with policy and have considered the extent of being Baha’i as not meddling with policy. While, the Baha’i leaders ...

The Baha’ism leaders must answer. Why hypocrisy?

A cult which doesn’t consider any value for the non-Baha’is and assumes them as pebbles while false affection and cheerfulness are none of its proselytizing deceptive methods cannot reprehend speech ...

Attacking the Islamic scholars by the Baha’ism leaders

During the history of Babism and Baha’ism emergence, the leaders of the cult (including Abbas Effendi) have continuously insulted and cured the Islamic scholars. However, how is it possible for ...

The commandments which were profited by Abdul Baha and the leaders of the deviant cult of Baha’ism!!!

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has in the book Aqdas appointed the residential house as share of inheritance for male offspring; but Abdul Baha has deviant his father’s commandment and ...
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