
The Baha’i commandments 31

The investigation of the commandment of hair and nail One of the commandment of the Baha’is main book “the Aqdas” is that of not shaving head hair and the necessity ...

Irrationality of a teaching claimed by Baha’i leaders

In order to fulfill the Colonialism aim concerning accepting tyranny by removing the homespun bigotries, Abdul Baha has ordered to his followers to be surrendered against the aggressive wolves. The ...

Question: Is war the basis of peace in Baha’ism?!

The Baha’ism leaders have exploited the peaceable slogans just in their proselytizing in order to intrigue the public minds. So, it is natural that those who have been bereaved due ...

Eventually, are the Baha’is allowed to have the second wives?

The Baha’is claim for abolishing the commandment of Bahaullah for the permit of having two wives by Abdul Baha because he believes it is impossible for justice to be regulated ...

Baha’ism and contradiction in the prohibition of defending the land and the universal government!

The leaders of the Baha’ism cult have considered defending the hometown against the aggressive and the tyrants as an indecent issue. However; in the Baha’i deviant cult, the Baha’i leaders ...

Answering to the Baha’i proselytizers’ sophistical statement

Getting married with whom marriage is prohibited is one of the commandments in the false creed of Baha’ism. The Baha’i proselytizers has introduced the subject of getting married with whom ...
Tunisian country

The story of Baha’is attention to Tunisian country

Not long ago, a group of people became members of the spying organization of Baha’ism. The Tunisian government didn’t accept Baha’ism as official religion although it recognizes the divine ones ...

Why does Baha’ism emphasize on removing all prejudices?

One of the principles posed by Baha’ism as a new important one is removing all prejudices principle by which human being’s enmities and fighting will be ended. As Abdul Baha ...

The Self Contradiction of the foundation of the Baha’ism leadership concerning the Baha’is meddling with policy

A glance at the guidelines of the Baha’ism organization helps the topic be figured out. The Baha’ism organization changed the explicit teaching of not meddling with policy by the Baha’is ...

Those who were well-informed didn’t stay in the Baha’ism organization!

The confusion and contradictions faced by the conscious and conscientious God’s sheep after Abdul Baha’s death (which rejected the origin of Baha’ism legitimacy) were to such an extent that according ...
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