deviant cult

Forming the intelligent service relationship between the deviant cult of Baha’ism and America

Due to total support of Baha’ism by America, the Baha’is are obliged to help them (including spying). So, the documents reveal the intelligent service relationship between America and the deviant ...
Zionistic regime

The corresponding role of the Jewish in the emergence of Baha’ism and the Baha’is role in the emergence of the Zionistic regime

Since the emergence of the appearance and emergence of the deviant movement of Babism and Baha’ism, there have been a close relationship between them. There are various materials written about ...

The Baha’ism leaders must answer. Why hypocrisy?

A cult which doesn’t consider any value for the non-Baha’is and assumes them as pebbles while false affection and cheerfulness are none of its proselytizing deceptive methods cannot reprehend speech ...

The Baha’i commandment –part 29

The commandment of breaking hearts in Baha’ism! Which was abolished later on In the book Aqdas, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has announced the abolishment of one of Bab’s commandments ...

Question: Are Baha’is peaceable in action, too?!

Contrary to their actions, the Baha’i leaders have introduced their aims as establishing general peace in their advertisements. However; according to Abdul Baha, shouting the slogan of peace and friendship ...

Kindness and affection based on the divine religions and the Baha’ism cult’s view

In spite of the Baha’ism confession regard with sharing the principle of kindness and affection among the divine religions and also violating this slogan by the cult, the Baha’ism considers ...
Baha’i kids

Baha’i kids are victims of the universal house of justice extravagance

Concerning proselytizing the informal religions of the country at school, it is repeatedly announced by the people in charge: “If the students express they belong to the followers of other ...

Full-fledged dictatorship in the leadership of the deviant cult of Baha’ism!

To predict the leadership system after himself, the second leader of Baha’ism, the Excellency Abdul Baha had appointed two pillars: The guardian position and the foundation of the universal house ...

Which position and station does the Excellency Bahaullah consider for his enemies in the Day of Judgment?!!!

Contrary to his interpretation concerning the Day of Judgment and its attribution to the emergence of prophets, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’is has promised fire for his opponents. Consequently, what ...
Palestine land

Why are the Baha’is considered as the agents of establishing the Jewish people in Palestine land?

The permanent question of Shiite and Sunni Muslim people is that: How did the Zionists who are the extremist wing of the Jewish people and were thinking of governing from ...
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