
To execute or not to execute in Baha’ism?!

From the beginning of the victory of the Iranian Islamic revolution and executing the courtiers and those who were related to Pahlavi dynasty who tyrannized the Iranian Muslim people, the ...

The Self Contradiction of the foundation of the Baha’ism leadership concerning the Baha’is meddling with policy

A glance at the guidelines of the Baha’ism organization helps the topic be figured out. The Baha’ism organization changed the explicit teaching of not meddling with policy by the Baha’is ...

The Baha’is and claiming for pacifism

Experiencing and investigating socially and historically have indicated that those religious cults which have been focused on the new era thoughts and the issues related to social relations and programs ...

Supporting racism and discrimination by Baha’ism

Baha’ism position concerning the lections of America A while back, Donald Trump the controversial ex-president of the U.S. defeated in the election competition. Although the enormous policies and enmity of ...

Money Laundering in Thailand by Baha’ism with fists and kicks

Not long ago, it was recently reported in the news: The Baha’ism mafia in Thailand has recently launched or introduced a startup which is the mixture of TV. Shows, martial ...

Sins which were covered with justification!!!

Contrary to their actions, the Baha’i leaders have emphasized on the illegitimacy of dissimulation in Baha’ism. The Baha’i proselytizers have reminded of building Bab’s tomb by Abdul Baha as a ...
Baha’i kids

Baha’i kids are victims of the universal house of justice extravagance

Concerning proselytizing the informal religions of the country at school, it is repeatedly announced by the people in charge: “If the students express they belong to the followers of other ...

Un-resigned Resignation

Dear friends out there with your empathetic hearts and attentive, watchful spirits,   This is an excerpt of the letter I just sent to our German NSA as a follow-up ...
Palestine land

Why are the Baha’is considered as the agents of establishing the Jewish people in Palestine land?

The permanent question of Shiite and Sunni Muslim people is that: How did the Zionists who are the extremist wing of the Jewish people and were thinking of governing from ...
Shoghi Effendi

Shoghi Effendi contradicts Abdu’l-Baha

During Abdu'l-Baha's visit to London in 1911, he had the following interaction with a Christian... A student of the modern methods of the higher criticism asked ‘Abdu’l-Bahá if he would do ...
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