
Confronting the culture of zeal and chastity by insulting and affronting the homeland martyrs

Like his leader, the Baha’i proselytizer compared the defenders of homeland with... and considered the pure bodies of martyrs as inferior to… due to supporting the culture of Hijab and ...

Colorful Baha’ism

 Erfan Sabeti the proselytizer of Baha’ism criticized anti-Semitism while the Baha’i leaders couldn’t hide their anti-Semitism, too. They also weren’t able to hide their supporting of the agent of Holocaust ...

The dual approach of the Baha’is in defending the oppressed

The Baha’ism organization consider defending homosexuality with the excuse of defending the oppressed as its duty but not only it doesn’t criticize the apartheid regime of Zionism concerning Palestine issue ...
leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy: This (Baha’ism) belief is null

In an article published on the occasion of commemoration of the forged prophet of Baha’ism, the Baha’ism organization spoke about Hussein Ali Baha’s teachings and narrated praising Baha’ism cult by ...

The prophethood of women in Islam, Judaism and the Baha’ism cult

Baha’ism which introduces the divine religions as discriminative and itself as the herald of equality of men and women has rejected prophethood in women and also the leadership incumbency; while ...

One hundred years of betrayal against the people of Tunisia and serving the occupiers

By: Seyyed Muhammad Reza Salari Baha’ism cult celebrated Abdul Baha’s willing towards entering French Colonialism into Tunisia and intellectual repression of love of freedom and fighting against Colonialism in this ...
hojjatieh Association

Deferent narrations about the reason for establishing Hojjatieh Association

Emaduddin Baqi says: “What is certain is that the emergence and movement of Hojjatieh Association was in the end of the main direction of campaign and turning to secondary issues ...

Why do we say Baha’ism is the infantry of Colonialism in confronting Islam and the Islamic revolution?

Baha'is and the Baha'ism organization must answer:   Why was Abdul Baha bestowed the Sir Medal by the British government? What are the conditions for receiving the medal? Baha'ism isn’t ...

The Islamic Revolution’s heavy blow on the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The clergyman Nasouri said: The Islamic Revolution hit a heavy hit on the deviant cult of Baha’ism and removed it out of most ministries, economic centers, agricultural centers and other ...

Peace scoffing by the leaders of the kid-killer regime of Israel

The president of Zionistic regime of Israel Issac Herzog called the Baha’i cult as the heralds of equality, unity and justice in his message! However, his praise is indicating the ...
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