
The member of Baha’ism, the manager of the most important general office of SAVAK

The Colonial agents and SAVAK modelers tried to transfer the non-Muslim officers into the organization and exploit them to achieve their goals. Because there haven't been any Jewish officers in ...

The reciprocal services of Pahlavi regime and the deviant cult of Baha’ism

      Studying the policies of Pahlavi regime concerning the Baha'is during the years 1332- 1357 S.H. needs for the nature of the government to be investigated in one side and ...

Baha’i faith silences the victims and enables abusers by protecting, and even rewarding them

There is a wide-range of quotes that silences the victims and enables abusers by protecting, and even rewarding them.   🚨WRONG : rewarding bad behaviour empowers abusers 🚨 "Should any ...

The most important Consequences of the victory of the Islamic Revolution over the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and forming a democratic system of government based the original teachings of Islam was the greatest hit on the deviant cult of ...

The role of the deviant cult of Baha’ism in unveiling

The calamity of unveiling in Iran is an anti-culture event against Islam and Muslim people of Iran which was approved and conducted in Iran on Day 17, 1314 S.H. cooperated ...

Baha’ism and Tolstoy

     The famous Russian author Leo Tolstoy has consulted a mother by writing a letter dated March 15, 1909 A.D concerning her offspring who had become Muslim. Tolstoy has compared ...

The relationship between Baha’ism and the terroristic subgroups

Baha'ism is claiming for not meddling with policy or even willing to political parties and speaking about policy is illegitimate for it. During the revolution, Baha'ism was quite against the ...

Sedition, cursing and Sacrilege of the Baha’ism leaders

      Sedition is a part of the characters of the leaders of the deviant cult of Baha'ism. When we move from Baha’ism towards Sheikism, this sedition becomes clearer and increases. ...

The medieval platform of Baha’ism, esca ping from criticism

       The stigma of fighting is a sledge through which the Baha’is hit on critics' heads! They call each criticism as fighting and each independent research rejecting Bahaism views as ...

The bragging claim by the deviant cult of Baha’ism – The fulfillment of all promises of the heavenly books

What will Baha'ism say if it is asked to state its belief and claim in several lines? Abul Fadhl Golpaygani, the greatest proselytizer and author of Baha'ism states this claim ...
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