
With over 110 years of activity there are only 300 Baha’is in Mumbai, India

History of the Baha'i faith in Bombay, India: The first Baha'is in Mumbai were members of the Afnan family, who had set up a business in the city. In 1872, ...

Three ways for Shoghi Effendi’s followers to interpret Shoghi Effendi’s unexpected death

Even though Shoghi Effendi appointed no successor, a successor must be found, because even if it is not clear who the legitimate successor is, it is more important for the ...

“I agree entirely as regards the uselessness of Ruhi.” Sen McGlinn

I agree entirely as regards the uselessness of Ruhi. It has been a colossal disaster for the Baha’i community. As regards the year 2000 "prophecy," it was a misunderstanding, widely ...

Story of a Baha’i who converted to Islam

Copy-pasting a comment I found under this video I used to be a Baha’i from aged 13-28 and learned more about it after I reverted to Islam than when ...

Nine or Nineteen Members on the Universal House of Justice? A debate in the Baha’i Faith

When someone joins a religion, it will always be riddled with uncertainty for him or her rather than filled with faith. Even if one was born into the faith or ...

UHJ admits to withholding part of the will of Baha’u’llah

The holograph of the Kitāb-i-‘Ahd is now preserved in the Archives at the Bahā’ī World Centre. No further information as to the circumstances of its revelation, editing or publication is ...

Why I started to question the alleged doctrine of the Lesser Covenant?

I never began to question the doctrine of the (Lesser) Covenant until I absolutely had to. I was raised in a mainstream Baha'i family, who were very loyal to Abdul ...


I am providing a handful out of many AUTHORITATIVE writings and messages from all levels of leadership of the Baha’i faith that promised the establishment of the Lesser Peace and ...
Abdul Baha6

“This faith totally lacks credibility”

I could never be a Baha’i because this religion totally lacks credibility. I will address just one central teaching of the Baha’i religion, which is that of world peace. I ...

Rigid Hierarchy has Taken over Baha’i Religion, Dissidents Say

... but conservative leaders maintain that orthodoxy has not been altered.   Juan Cole, a professor at the University of Michigan, is a former Ba­ha’i who thinks the faith has ...
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