
The introduction of the book: The analysis and Criticism of Baha’ism by Ali Reza Rouzbahani

      Ali Reza Rouzbahani is investigating the problem of Baha'im and its position in the hostile policy of the Zionistic regime in the book “the analysis and criticism of Bahaism" ...

The historical confession by a Zionist Jewish person

The leadership foundation of Baha'ism issued a statement dated October 30, 2017 A.D. and rejected each kind of attribution of Baha'i news medium to Baha'ism. However, the reason may be ...

The case of Kid persecution for Mossad and Bahaism

      Being active in the field of kids shouting deceptive slogans is of the means Baha’ism organization to recruit human resources, but the trace of the members of Baha'ism in ...

The most important Consequences of the victory of the Islamic Revolution over the deviant cult of Baha’ism

The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and forming a democratic system of government based the original teachings of Islam was the greatest hit on the deviant cult of ...

who is the human being? Human right from the deviant cult of Baha ism point of view

Human rights are being stressed in Baha’ism. The Baha'is consider it as the result the teaching of the oneness of humane world. According to Seyyed Bab nobody is allowed to ...

The reason for the prohibition of proselytizing Baha’ism in Israel

The discussion of proselytizing is one of the important issues in the deviant cult of Baha'ism; so that, a person who doesn't do his/her duty in this regard he/she may ...

Baha’ism from claiming for defending animal rights to defending the crimes of Israel in Gaza

The Baha'is are going to introduce Baha'ism as a new and progressed religion using deceptive teachings and slogans although it has neither any relationship with the heavenly religions nor is ...

Using the international organizations by the deviant cult of Baha’ism to achieve it’s illegitimate goals

Bahaismiran: Bani Dugal participated at climate summit on 15 and 16 of Aban, 1402 S.H. in the United Arab Emirate as a religious leader. Inviting the Baha’i representative and the ...

The profligate Baha’i TV medium Manoto expired

Bahaismiran: After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the enemies used their utmost attempts against the revolution. One of these measures was running hostile networks in Persian Language to make ...
بهائیت در ایران

Baha’ism logic: Security for the Baha’i kids, death for Gaza ones

 Bahaismiran: The Baha'is who are claiming for the universal peace and kindness among human beings have been silent against oppressed martyrdom of sinless kids of Gaza. However, this cult and ...
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