
The infidels, polytheists and hypocrites are hopeful with the sermons of Mawlavi Abdul Hamid

For some time, the attacks of the enemies of Islam on the rules of the holy Qur'an have increased to the point where some opponents have insulted against the holy ...

Abdol Hamid’s deviation from Diwbandi Sunnis’ fatwas

Abdul Hamid Ismaeel Zehi, the leader of Friday prayer of Makki Mosque in Zahedan pleased the enemies of the regime in his Friday prayer sermons on Khordad 26, 1402 S.H. ...

Fighting against hope by the deviant cult of Baha ism

Thinkers are familiar with Francis Fukuyama, the researcher and historian from Japan and the and author of the book “the end of history”. He says in 1367 S. H. in ...

Hojabr Yazdani: The main puzzle of the economic mafia of Baha’ism in the second Pahlavi period of time

Among the secret movements of the Iranian contemporary history which expanded and developed in Iran, Baha’ism became successful to gain political and economic powers and influence. In the process of ...

Anti-human rights position of the universal house of justice (the universal house of tyranny) regarding the exchange of prisoners between Iran and Belgium

The exchange of prisoners between Iran and Belgium according to international treaties did not go well with the universal house of justice (the universal house of tyranny) and their representative ...

Revealing the hypocrisy of the deviant cult of Baha’ism, insulting the position of mother

A Baha’i channel on Telegram published the hashtag "No - to sanctity of - mothers" and insulted the position of mothers. Women and mothers have a high position in Islam, ...
european parliament

Misusing the European Parliament by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

"Rachel Bayani", the representative of the Baha'i community in the European Union, and "Dian Alaei", the representative of the Baha'i community in the United Nations, claimed on 10th of Isfand ...

The creeping and deceptive movement of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Baha'is are going to choose a friend for "Bahá'u'lláh" in a creeping movement and say with deceptive interpretations: "Jews wrote many books in rejection of Jesus Christ and Christians wrote ...
Seyyed Saeed Zahid Zahedani

Baha’ism, confrontation with the national authority of Iran

An interview with Seyyed Saeed Zahid Zahedani: The Baha'i study is placed in the framework of the analysis of the growth of the deviant movements which are supported by various ...

The guardian

"In this Dispensation, divine guidance flows on to us in this world after the Prophet’s ascension, through first the Master, and then the Guardians." While the Guardianship was to be ...
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