Navid Forsti Pour

An interview with Navid Forsti Pour, one of the converts

The stifling frameworks that govern the Bahaism, have caused the hereditary transfer of neglect and ignorance from the Baha’i families to their children. However, the God-seeking nature of man and ...

The history of Bab, from the beginning till the end (part Two)

Bab’s claim from the viewpoint of Abdul-Baha On pages 3 and 4 of the book “Personal Article of a Tourist” on Bab’s claim, he writes, “He began to speak and ...

The history of Bab, from the beginning till the end (part one)

The founder of Bab; Mirza Ali Mohammad Shirazi 1235-1266 AH Birth Bab At first, we deal with the birth and childhood of the person who claimed Babism known as Bab. ...

Another robbery after a great one

A critique on the justification of two different emergences and religious laws in a short distance Claiming by Mirza Ali Mohammad Shirazi as the new prophet of the present age ...

The crisis of permanence or permanence of proof

the Baha'is introduce the persistence of their faith for nearly two centuries as one of the reasons for the authenticity of their faith and celebrated the 200th anniversary of their ...

Abdol Hamid’s deviation from Diwbandi Sunnis’ fatwas

Abdul Hamid Ismaeel Zehi, the leader of Friday prayer of Makki Mosque in Zahedan pleased the enemies of the regime in his Friday prayer sermons on Khordad 26, 1402 S.H. ...

What makes cults attractive

The clergyman Moslem Girwani, the faculty member of Ma’rej researching center said: Cults aren’t lasting as most newly-emerged cults related to 1960s vanished by the leaders death. Nothing remained but ...

Removing prejudices prohibit resistance against the tyrant governments

removing prejudices is the 9th principle of Baha'ism beliefs which means removing all prejudices such as religious, racial, national and political ones and etc. The Baha'is declare that the existent ...

Sheikh Al-Iraqiein

In a tablet issued by the name of Sheikh, Hussein Ali Nouri has attacked him and has called him “doubtful ignorant person” and “and “crafty element”! Also, Shoqi Effendi (Baha’s ...

Why Shoqi Effendi joint with Nazi Germany? (Part 2)

 Shortly after Nazi party gained power and Hitler dictatorship started in Germany, Shoqi Effendi issued a statement addressing the Baha'is emphasizing the necessity for obeying Nazi government of this country. ...
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