
Love of freedom stated by the forged self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism

According to the Aqdas text, if the people of a country are afflicted by a tyrant dictator or are attacked or dominated by the foreign powers, they aren’t allowed to ...

Eventually, are the Baha’is allowed to have the second wives?

The Baha’is claim for abolishing the commandment of Bahaullah for the permit of having two wives by Abdul Baha because he believes it is impossible for justice to be regulated ...

Baha’ism and contradiction in the prohibition of defending the land and the universal government!

The leaders of the Baha’ism cult have considered defending the hometown against the aggressive and the tyrants as an indecent issue. However; in the Baha’i deviant cult, the Baha’i leaders ...
Tunisian country

The story of Baha’is attention to Tunisian country

Not long ago, a group of people became members of the spying organization of Baha’ism. The Tunisian government didn’t accept Baha’ism as official religion although it recognizes the divine ones ...
Karen Dee Hayre

Why did Mrs. Karen Bacquet turn against Baha’ism?

After a long period of time one of those who turned against Baha’ism is Mrs. Karen Dee Hayre Bacquet. Biography: Mrs. Karen Dee Hayre is from California, the U.S.A. she ...

Those who were well-informed didn’t stay in the Baha’ism organization!

The confusion and contradictions faced by the conscious and conscientious God’s sheep after Abdul Baha’s death (which rejected the origin of Baha’ism legitimacy) were to such an extent that according ...
Zionistic regime

The corresponding role of the Jewish in the emergence of Baha’ism and the Baha’is role in the emergence of the Zionistic regime

Since the emergence of the appearance and emergence of the deviant movement of Babism and Baha’ism, there have been a close relationship between them. There are various materials written about ...

The Baha’ism leaders must answer. Why hypocrisy?

A cult which doesn’t consider any value for the non-Baha’is and assumes them as pebbles while false affection and cheerfulness are none of its proselytizing deceptive methods cannot reprehend speech ...

The Baha’is and claiming for pacifism

Experiencing and investigating socially and historically have indicated that those religious cults which have been focused on the new era thoughts and the issues related to social relations and programs ...

Supporting racism and discrimination by Baha’ism

Baha’ism position concerning the lections of America A while back, Donald Trump the controversial ex-president of the U.S. defeated in the election competition. Although the enormous policies and enmity of ...
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