false claimants2

The false view of Baha’ism at the last proof (the Excellency Mahdi May God hasten his reappearance) and the resurrection issue

According to Ghadir tradition, Imam Mahdi (P.H.) is the last divine proof. This tradition rejects the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism cult’s claim which is claiming for him to come after ...
false claimants

The introduction of the Excellency Mahdi’s (P.H.) measures by the holy prophet (P.H.) in Ghadir Sermon

The holy prophet (P.H.) has pointed out a series of characteristics and measures which would be fulfilled by Mahdi such as dominating on religions, revenging the tyrants and avenging God’s ...

The illusion of universality for mad leaders

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism predicted that the Baha’ism creed will be expansive as a peaceable one after worldwide wars in the world. However, this creed hasn’t had any consequence ...

The song “Hello, the commander” and speaking allusively with Hojjatieh association by the TV. Announcer

Amir Hussein Sabeti twitted: “The song ‘Hello the commander’ could revive the name and commemoration of the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.), but Hojjatieh association couldn’t do this during 70 years since ...

The last proof of Ghadir Sermon to reject the false claimants stated by the holy prophet (P.H.)

By studying the holy prophet’s (P.H.) sermon and tradition in Ghadir Khom, we will figure out that not only he hasn’t pointed out the prophets sent down after Islam at ...
false claimant

Imam of the Time’s science in Ghadir Sermon that the false claimant were in lack of it

 In Ghadir Sermon, the holy prophet (P.H.) has mentioned a divine and endless science for the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.) while we will figure out that Bab, won’t be the promised ...

The delusion of Baha’ism universal government

On Tir, 1348 S.H., SAVAK narrated a report about the Baha’ism organization activity in which increasing knowledge and accumulating wealth by the Baha’ism organization have been appointed as pre-requisite for ...

Why should the deviant cult of Baha’ism be traced and detected in norm-breaking gatherings in Shiraz city

The following are the evidence indicating the role of Baha’ism organization in norm-breaking gathering in Shiraz city: The Baha’ism history in enmity against the Islamic manifestations, making anti-thesis for the ...

The Baha’ism presence in Shiraz gatherings

The following are the evidence indicating the role of the Baha’ism organization in norm-breaking gathering in Shiraz city: The Baha’ism history in enmity against the Islamic manifestations making anti-thesis for ...

Invidiousness and fighting against others were brought about Abdul Baha’s followers by him

In a film ordered by the leadership foundation of the universal house of justice on the occasion of Abdul Baha’s death anniversary, this Baha’ism leader was introduced as the model ...
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