The foundation of morality in Bahaism

The foundation of morality in Bahaism

      It is stated in the book the principles of the beliefs of the Baha'is page 11: “Human being must be adorned by Spiritual morality and clean and pure deeds. ...
The role of the Baha’i elements in the third coup

The role of the Baha’i elements in the third coup

      The bond and cooperation between Bahaism and the Zionistic regime is of the clear realities in history. This cooperation and interaction which continued increasingly to the last moments of ...

Freemasonry, Bahaism and the hidden Jewish; the influence bases of Zionism in Iran

      The secret strategy of the Zionists in Iran is of the secrets of the contemporary history of Iran. In this regard, the confession of one the spies of the ...

How does the Bahaism organization, confront its opponents and critics

      Violence and confronting against the opponents can be observed in most destructive and terroristic cults. The violence can be observed both in confronting the members inside the cult who ...

The secret and self-interested policy of Bahaism in political affairs of countries and elections

      Bahaism looks upon the policy discussion as a tactic and will enter it if it favors and won't enter if it harms.       Co-existence and interaction with the followers ...

Can the Israeli Jewish people become Baha’is?

       The deviant cult of Bahaism is not allowed to develop in Israel because the final aims of Bahaism and the usurp government of Israel are the same. Now, if ...

Terrorism, the basis of Zionism The understanding of the reason for the massacre of Gaza people

By: Seyyed Hassan Mousavi       The historical evidence reveals that gathering existent the old Testament has been ended in 11th and 12th centuries A.D. It can be said that this ...

The adventure of spying by the Baha’is – particularly in favor of Israel

        The intimate and close relations between the Baha’is and the Zionistic regime have caused the Baha'is to be the supporters of Zionism and have changed the Baha's into ...

The reaction of Baha’ism organization against the ex-Baha’is

      Those who are attracted to the cults having long-termed aims are serving the cult all their lifetimes. The cult misuses the person's time and lifetime to such an extent ...

How does the Bahaism organization hurt the family base?

      One of the important factors of Bahaism as destructive is hurting family. Michael Di Langon says defining cult: "Cult is a group which is advocating a person, idea or ...
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