
The Secret policy of Bahaism in the political affairs of Iran

An interview with Dr. Ali Reza Rouzbahani Keywords: secret, policy, Baha'ism, affairs, political, Iran Bahaismiran:       Bahaism looks at policy issue as a tactic. If it is in favor of ...

Some properties usurped by the deviant cult of Bahaism!!!!

      Being in charge in most posts of the country, the Bahaism organization ran an expansive net of economic sedition during Pahlavi regime. Hojabr Yazdani cooperated with the high-ranking officials ...

The report of human rights organization stated by a Baha’i!

      Nazila Qane', the special reporter of human rights organization and the member the deviant cult of Bahaism defined religion, measures and deeds of the faithful and their reactions towards ...

The case of Kid persecution for Mossad and Bahaism

      Being active in the field of kids shouting deceptive slogans is of the means Baha’ism organization to recruit human resources, but the trace of the members of Baha'ism in ...

Making Community by Baha’ism is similar to the team house of terroristic organizations

Bahaismiran: The Baha'ism organization was preceeding its political aims to gain power in Iran, but the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1357 S.H., Shattered all of its plans. For ...

Using the international organizations by the deviant cult of Baha’ism to achieve it’s illegitimate goals

Bahaismiran: Bani Dugal participated at climate summit on 15 and 16 of Aban, 1402 S.H. in the United Arab Emirate as a religious leader. Inviting the Baha’i representative and the ...

The Shia Iraq is coveted by the deviant cult of Bahaism

     The total functions of the deviant cult of Baha'ism in Iraq are as follows: anti- human rights measures, Killing, robbery, influence, spying, insulting, deviating religions in service of the ...

misusing the general peace by the Baha’ism organization

The elements of the deviant cult of Baha ism were posing the discussion about general peace and leaving enmity when the plan for normalization of ties between some countries and ...
William Garlington

William Garlington, an American researcher separated from Bahaism

William Garlington was born in 1947 in the United States. He started high school in 1964. He graduated from Florida State University in 1981 and joined New State College to ...

Branching in the political organization or the creed of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Hossein Ali Nouri: "If the Baha'is are divided into two cults and each builds a house of justice and opposes the other, both are invalid." In its reality, Baha'ism has ...
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