
The member of Baha’ism, the manager of the most important general office of SAVAK

The Colonial agents and SAVAK modelers tried to transfer the non-Muslim officers into the organization and exploit them to achieve their goals. Because there haven't been any Jewish officers in ...

October 26. On this date in 2013, Ahang Rabbani died

A prolific Baha’i translator and historian who served as director of statistics at the Bahá’í World Centre from 1981 to 1988. His translation are said to whitewash, censor,and obfuscate problematic matters in ...

Azar, 7th the death anniversary of Abdul Baha, the soldier of Colonialism

Bahaismiran: Abbas Effendi (1260-1340) entitled Abdul Baha (the slave of Baha'ism god, Hussein Ali Nouri), the elder son of Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri and is by the Baha'is Considered as ...

The profligate Baha’i TV medium Manoto expired

Bahaismiran: After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the enemies used their utmost attempts against the revolution. One of these measures was running hostile networks in Persian Language to make ...
بهائیت در ایران

The Baha’is and their measures against the national security

Bahaismiran: The members of the anti-security Baba’ism organization was arrested in Karaj and Hamadan cities in Aban, 1402 S.H. Radio Farda wrote in this regard: The extensive detention in Hamadan; ...
بهائیت در ایران

The corresponding services of the deviant cult of Baha’ism and the usurp regime of Zionism

    Serving Israel by the Baha’is started since the establishment of Israel and it got strong with the passage of time.     The services to Israel by the Baha'is was ...

Baha’ism is a cult fighting against wisdom: Roomer

Bahaismiran: Roemer studied between the years 1898 to1902 A.D. in philosophy and theology universities of Halle and Tubingen and was the student of the following masters: professor Hering, Helger, Kaler, ...

misusing the general peace by the Baha’ism organization

The elements of the deviant cult of Baha ism were posing the discussion about general peace and leaving enmity when the plan for normalization of ties between some countries and ...

Helping the usurp and kid-Killing Zionistic regime by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

One of the most important chapters in the political report card of Baha'ism is the intimate relationships and cooperation between the heads of this cult and the Zionists.       A ...

The reason for bestowing the Knighthood medal to Abdul Baha by the malicious British government

When Abdul Baha received the Knighthood medal, Palestine was one of the lands occupied by the British army and giving this position to a person who wasn't the citizen of ...
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