
why don’t the members of the deviant cult of Baha’ism do the military service?!

The law of military service has been passed by the then parliament of Iran formally dated Khordad 16, 1304 S.H, and the male included ones must do the military service. ...

The religious fetwas of Sunni Muftis about Baha’ism-part 4

Sattar Mohyedin Al-Khatib The great Islamic writer Sattar Mohyedin Al-Khatib, on page 8 of the book Darasat Anal Babiya va Bahaiya (Studies About Babis and Bahais) has written: "Some are of the idea ...

The religious commandment of Sunni muftis about Baha’ism – Part 2

In previous part, it was mentioned that the Sunni Scholars realized that Baha’ism is a forged and weak cult whose aim are to spy for tyrant Colonialists and to create ...

The Supreme clergyman from Yemen: Baha’ism is militant infidel

The site of the Baha’i organization office in the United Nations (BIC) described Shamsuddin Sharaf Al-Dinn's disclosure against Baha ism as slaughterous sermon angrily and introduce the supreme orator from ...

The strict position of Al-Azhar, Egypt concerning the deviant cult of Baha’ism

After some Baha is held a ceremony openly to celebrate their religious one on March 21, 2009 A.D. in a village in the South of Egypt, their houses were attacked ...

The evangelic Christianity and Baha’ism, two Zionistic Satanic cults

Baha'ism, Intellectually, reality and Straight path can't have more ways but just one; although it is worthy to discuss which path is true. Theologically, the path which has become distinct ...

Rejecting the Baha’i reason for denying the finality of the Prophet of Islam

One of the beliefs of the Baha'is is the believing in the abrogation of Islam and the prophethood of a new prophet named Hossein Ali Nouri who has appeared after ...

The inherent strategy of the deviant cult of Baha’ism since the beginning of its establishment until today

Hossein Ali Nouri (Baha’u’llah) has ordered that Baha'is should not be ashamed of abjectness: "O’ Brothers, be tolerant with one another and don’t be dependent on the world, don’t be ...

Is Science better or proselytizing ignorance

Do you know that preaching Baha'ism is more useful than studying at university according to the deviant Baha'ism organization? In a letter from the Propaganda Committee of Eshqabad assembly of ...

Hojabr Yazdani: The main puzzle of the economic mafia of Baha’ism in the second Pahlavi period of time

Among the secret movements of the Iranian contemporary history which expanded and developed in Iran, Baha’ism became successful to gain political and economic powers and influence. In the process of ...
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