
The dominating of honor over wickedness

The president of the Islamic Republic of Iran: The Zionists didn't achieve their goals / Today honor dominated over wickedness The Iranian president pointed out that the Zionists at first ...

Frederic Glaysher’s view concerning the quality of the relationships between the deviant cult of Baha’ism and America and Israel- Part III

Frederic Glaysher was asked: Why does the American government need this small religious group? He answered: "... The government of Reagan needed an excuse to confront against Iran and Baha’ism ...

The Shia Iraq is coveted by the deviant cult of Bahaism

     The total functions of the deviant cult of Baha'ism in Iraq are as follows: anti- human rights measures, Killing, robbery, influence, spying, insulting, deviating religions in service of the ...

praying for the Criminal and being silent for its crimes

Many years before the establishment of Israel, the Baha’i leaders had relationships with the people of this regime and there is a supportive relationship between the Baha'ism organization and Israel ...

misusing the general peace by the Baha’ism organization

The elements of the deviant cult of Baha ism were posing the discussion about general peace and leaving enmity when the plan for normalization of ties between some countries and ...

Abdul Hamid and the Baha’i Sabeti’s discredit concerning Israel’s crimes

Abdul Hamid, the leader of group prayer of Maki mosque, Zahedan prefers to be silent against the crimes of Israel like the Baha’i experts the Baha’i Erfan Sabeti. He is ...

Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazan) is undercover Baha’i !!!

Mahmood Abbas (born on Nov. 15, 1935 A.D.) is the president of the self-governing organization of Palestine. He was elected for this post on Jan. 9, 2005 A.D. and been ...

The Universal House of Justice whitewashes the crimes of traitors who are against Iran!!!

The Baha’ism organization works like the safe organization of the western particularly American and Israeli intelligent services. This organization decreases a large amount of expenses of the spying organization by ...

The Baha’ism organization-The organization which is spying of Mossad

The political organization of Baha’ism is an organization formed earlier 20th century in the United States. On the other hand, Baha’ism was a movement remained from Babism which has been ...

The announcer of Manoto Baha’i network has worn black- Israel is disappearing and Baha’ism is too afraid of it

The announcer of Manoto network spoke sadly about the successful operation of the resistance forces of Palestine. The announcer of Manoto network said about the black Saturday of the Zionistic ...
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