
An interview with Faezeh Hashemi

The derogatory and strange speech by Faezeh Hashemi against the holy prophet (peace be upon him) It was definitely predicted that after Faezeh Hashemi associated with one of the Baha’ism ...

Concerning the transferring of Abdul Baha’s dead body to Acre

In one side, the Baha’ism organization calls its followers to confront against the Islamic Republic with the excuse of transferring dead bodies in Baha’ism and in the other side, it ...


I have been an active Baha’i for 8 years; but I gradually lost my belief in Bahaullah and turned to Christianity and became a member of Catholic. The Baha’is I ...

Getting married with the intimates in the Baha’i organization

By: Najafi Although the Baha’is have introduced their creed as heavenly, but in fact they have stood against the divine religions and have posed affairs which are against the teachings ...
Fakhri Davari

Fakhri Davari

She has been a Baha’i proselytizers. She was bond to Baha’ism when she was a Baha’i. She turned against Baha’ism and turned to Islam after her husband, Bahman Kamali 8 ...

The Baha’i Redhvan feast, a celebration with public chaos

What is Redhvan feats? Redhvan feast is coincided with 13th of Al-Jalal month of Badi’a. These days is coincided with Bahaullah’s arrival at Najib Pasha garden in Ordibehesht, 1242 S.H. ...

Good example of interfaith relations in the Baha’i Faith!!!

"In connection with your question regarding the case of Mr. Mrs. ... and their daughter, the Guardian considers that your Assembly did quite right to deprive all three of their voting rights. Their conduct in ...

Baha’is are idol worshipers

Baha'is do not resist the idolatry of the Baha'i administration because they are weak. They are afraid they would be declared "Covenant Breakers" if they were to practice their religion ...

As you sow, so shall you reap

The Baha'is desecrated the grave of Diya'u'llah, the son of Baha'u'llah who was buried alongside his father, calling it 'purification' and 'cleansing'. Next they build this huge building in the ...
Parviz Kouchbaghi

Parviz Kouchbaghi

He is the offspring of Abbas and now is residing in Sabzevar city. He searched and figured out that Bahaullah couldn’t be God; so he was a means in the ...
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