
The brilliant commandments of Bahaism

      The Bahaism organization believes that the Baha’i commandments are compatible with human needs of today. According to this belief, Baha himself has insisted and believed more than the others. ...

To whom belongs the Corresponding Services of freemasonry and Bahaism?

      The presence of some Babis in secret assemblies along with famous freemasonries and the memberships of some of them in masonry's hall of Melkom awakening lodge during Qajar dynasty ...

Bahaism interaction means with America

      The investigation of the case of the relationship between Bahaism and America is not complete with the investigation of the report card of Ali Qoli khan Nabil-al-Douleh (the secretary ...

The equality between men and women the incorrect comparison

The Baha’i proselytizers introduce the women's depriving of the of the management of the universal house of justice as a test for the Baha'is and a cover for the non-Baha'is. ...

The relationships between Bahaism and the white house

      The current deviant cult of Bahaism must be called as the American one organizationally. One of the main reasons for proselytizer Abbas Effendi's photo is this issue.       In ...

The prohibition of diffusion of the Baha’i leaders’ voice and image by the Bahaism organization

      One of the proselytizing channels of Bahaism published some materials entitled "the method of the Baha'is in using holy Keepsakes and things concerning the works left by the ancestors ...

Bahaism and America

The third Colonial Country with which Bahaism has had bond is America. Now, this bond has continued. The aggressive and arrogant nature and position of America is obvious in the ...

The highest point of betraying a country

      What is One of the greatest possible treachery against a country? What is the best manner in the conditions that a country is dealing with interior and exterior problems; ...

The Story of Abdul Baha and dirty Jewish / pot calling the Kettle black

      One of the proselytizers of Bahaism narrates a memoir from Abdul Baha in a book published by the Bahaism organization written by him. The memoir is about the adventure ...

The null slogans of Bahaism – The General Peace

      One of the principles of the Baha'is beliefs which possesses a developed appearance is the problem of general peace. Baha'ism is claiming for the establishment of general peace just ...
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