
No proselytizing for Baha’ism

The prohibition of the Baha’is presence and activity in Israel is not due to the order by the self-proclaimed prophet of the cult, but is due to the agreement between ...

Abdul Baha, an example of serving the oppressive regimes

The universal house of justice is trying to introduce Abdul Baha as a good example for the people of the world. However; a glance at this Baha’i leader’s life reveals ...

Concerning Farhad Fahandej and the Baha’ism organization in Gorgan (part-2)

The Baha’ism organization has introduced Farhad Fahandej’s crime as believing in Baha’ism while he has been one of the active proselytizers and leaders of the illegal organization of Baha’ism in ...

Erfan Sabeti: Criticizing fighting against Jewish and stressing on taking lesson from Holocaust

In an interview about fighting against Jewish, Erfan Sabeti considered criticizing and taking lesson from (the fiction of) Holocaust as necessary. However, regarding the ominous precedent and bond between two ...

Colorful Baha’ism

 Erfan Sabeti the proselytizer of Baha’ism criticized anti-Semitism while the Baha’i leaders couldn’t hide their anti-Semitism, too. They also weren’t able to hide their supporting of the agent of Holocaust ...

The dual approach of the Baha’is in defending the oppressed

The Baha’ism organization consider defending homosexuality with the excuse of defending the oppressed as its duty but not only it doesn’t criticize the apartheid regime of Zionism concerning Palestine issue ...

Who told my fox to tell your witness?

Hussein Amanat, the famous Baha’i architect narrates from Sir Herbert Samuel about Abdul Baha’s popularity. Sir Herbert Samuel is one of the famous Zionists and the first British supreme commissioner ...

Peace scoffing by the leaders of the kid-killer regime of Israel

The president of Zionistic regime of Israel Issac Herzog called the Baha’i cult as the heralds of equality, unity and justice in his message! However, his praise is indicating the ...

Baha’ism and the Zionistic regime of Israel

There is no doubt that the Baha’ism organization has and will have a close relationship with the Zionistic regime. It is certain that the Baha’ism movement helped the British army ...

The Baha’is of Iran have been silent for Acre wildfire (burning grave of Abdul Baha)

Concerning wildfire in Acre, the Baha’ism leaders have considered this even as unintentional! The extremist Zionists don’t let other cults to build temples except for the Zionistic ones. So, the ...
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