
Can the Israeli Jewish people become Baha’is?

       The deviant cult of Bahaism is not allowed to develop in Israel because the final aims of Bahaism and the usurp government of Israel are the same. Now, if ...

The adventure of spying by the Baha’is – particularly in favor of Israel

        The intimate and close relations between the Baha’is and the Zionistic regime have caused the Baha'is to be the supporters of Zionism and have changed the Baha's into ...

The role of the Baha’s in occupying Palestine: An interview with Dr. Taghi Pour

      Dr. Taghi Pour is the secretary general of the population of the supporters of the freedom of the cherished Qods and is a prominent researcher in the field of ...

Hojjatul Islam Falsafi and Bahaism

      Hajjatul Islam Muhammad Taqi Falsafi, the famous preacher was born 1286 S.H. in Tehran city. He went to Tofigh school when he was 6 and learned syntax and the ...

Fighting against wisdom and escaping from science in Bahaism

      Bahaism considers itself as a remarkably developed religion and the universal one. It is claiming for being in conformity with wisdom.       According to Abbas Effendi (Abdul Baha): “If ...

Bigotry and superstitions in Bahaism

      One of the characteristics of Bahaism is the severe bigotry and mixing its teachings with superstitions. Sobhi, as the special secretary of Abdul Baha has closely observed the Baha’i ...

Supporting Bahaism by Justin Trudeau

      In a message, Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada congratulated Redhvan feast of Bahaism and obligated his country to defend the Iranian Baha’is sought asylum to his country. ...

Seeking for superiority of the Baha’is like the Jewish – The origin of both is the same

      In the story narrated by the Baha'i proselytizer, Abdul Baha opposes the Jewish rabbi who boasted and was racist. However; as a matter fact, Abdul Baha blamed the Jewish ...

Dispersing slime by the Baha’i Erfan Sabeti

      The Baha’i theorist, Erfan Sabeti considered Shia jurisprudence to be full of violence and assumed narrating Islam by the Islamic Republic as violence, too and likened Shia jurisprudence as ...

The Contradictory behavior of Bahaism organization with the twelve teachings of Bahaism

      During various political sections in Iran, the Bahaism organization has done politically which is as follows:       The Bahaism organization issued a statement to congratulate bestowing Noble Peace Prize ...
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