
بهائیان و اقدام علیه امنیت ملی

بهائیت در ایران: راه‌های مختلفی برای از بین بردن فرهنگ، هویت و اقتدار یک جامعه وجود دارد. یکی از این راه ها، ایجاد فرقه های مختلف انحرافی از سوی استعمارگران ...
بهائیت در ایران

صدای بهائیت از تریبون گزارشگران سازمان ملل

گزارشگران ویژه سازمان ملل از جمله «نازیلا قانع» گزارشگر بهائی آن در أمور آزادی مذهب یا عقیده، ۲۵ فروردین در بیانیه‌ای مطبوعاتی، به اجرای قوانین حجاب در ایران اعتراض کردند. ...
‘i organization thanks Emirates Muslim rulers parliament

The Baha’i organization thanks Emirates Muslim rulers parliament

      The Baha'i universal Colonial organization agency (BIC) acknowledged Muslim rulers parliament, a foundation firmly fired in the UAE for cooperating with COP29 conference in Baku issuing a statement on ...
Acknowledging the Baha’is in the annual ceremony of the British parliament

Acknowledging the Baha’is in the annual ceremony of the British parliament

      The annual event was held in West Minister in the House of Commons hosted by the representative of British parliament Alistair Carmichael. The ceremony consisted of speech and various ...
بهائیت در ایران:

The Baha’i proselytizer’s anger with the national unity in the Friday Prayer “Nasr” and the president’s speech

      Erfan Sabeti, the imposter proselytizer of the deviant cult of Bahaism considered obeying the supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution by people and people in charge, national unity and ...
حقوق زن در بهائیت ۲- Copy

Woman, Life, freedom

Ministry of Information

The arrest of the members of the hidden network of the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Several days ago, the sites related to enemies and the news networks of the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran like BBC published news entitled “The continuation of arresting ...

First sentence of Baha’i Faith article on Wikipedia vs. first sentence of Kitab i Aqdas

The first sentence from the Wikipedia article and the first sentence from the Aqdas are completely contradictory   First sentence of Baha'i Faith article on Wikipedia:   The Baháʼí Faith ...