
A program aiming encouraging the Baha’is of Iran to proselytize for the party

      The Baha'i Persian media service has started broadcasting a program called "The earth, my house" since 10th of Shahrivar and five parts of the program has been casted so ...
‘is views about Bahaism

The ex-Baha’is views about Bahaism

Mahnaz Raoufi, the ex-Baha’i, spent 25 years of her lifetime in Bahaism. Raoufi says about the proselytizing methods of Bahaism: "The Baha's use the best psychological methods to preach their ...

Children, Kids and teenagers, the community aimed by the Baha’is

There are regularly members of each age in the Baha'i community where are born in a Baha’i family or those who have been recruited by Baha ism. The community which ...

The Baha’i companies, the economic corridors of the universal house of justice – Port 2

      The position of economy of Bahaism after the Islamic Revolution:       After the Islamic Revolution and revealing the organizational activities of trustee Company - under the economic ...

The Baha’i companies, the economic corridors of the universal house of justice – Part 1

      Introducing the coextensive companies with the modern universal war.       Regarding the importance of the economic bases of a country and the necessity for preventing the influence of hostile ...
The accompaniment of the Baha’is with the Zionists in each crime!

The accompaniment of the Baha’is with the Zionists in each crime!

      We know that the Bahaism party has been made by England like the Zionists. So, Directed by the British, Abdul Baha is so-called predicting that: "Here is Palestine, the ...
The role of the Baha’i elements in the third coup

The role of the Baha’i elements in the third coup

      The bond and cooperation between Bahaism and the Zionistic regime is of the clear realities in history. This cooperation and interaction which continued increasingly to the last moments of ...

Amir the great’s success disciples against Baha’ism

      It is proved via experience and science that the victory and failure of the great men owed to their disciples. No great man became successful during history but the ...

Can the Israeli Jewish people become Baha’is?

       The deviant cult of Bahaism is not allowed to develop in Israel because the final aims of Bahaism and the usurp government of Israel are the same. Now, if ...

The adventure of spying by the Baha’is – particularly in favor of Israel

        The intimate and close relations between the Baha’is and the Zionistic regime have caused the Baha'is to be the supporters of Zionism and have changed the Baha's into ...
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