The program: “Grown on stone” The Baha’i Persian medium service persianbahaimedia started casting a program called “grown on stone” since Khordad,7. The purpose of this program is intriguing ...
....There are people who raise the issue of the rights of the Baha'is… What does the Baha’i right mean? It's like someone saying why did you capture and kill Saddam? ...
During all of its periods of existence and in each country where it has been present the Baha’ism organization has shown an anti-national identity. This behavior of Baha’ism has been ...
In 1396 S.H., the leadership foundation of Baha’ism issued a statement against Morteza Ismaeel pour due to not having permit and his anti-government activities, but today it has become silent ...
For a long time, the obstinate movements have been paying attentions to the art and culture domains. Stating criticisms started via the film and in the current conditions, we are ...