Abdul Baha

why does the Bahaism organization use Abdul Baha’s photo (Abbas Effendi) as the leader?

      The Bahaism political organization is a quite American one in nature. Its branches are in other countries. Even, that British branch which is being ran earlier 20th century was ...

Bahaism, the pioneer in preaching the American culture in Iran

The students of the American schools in Qajar dynasty- the agents of Pahlavi era       The historical documents indicate that the Baha'is have been the pioneers of preaching the American ...

Bahaism is a religious cult or a political organization (party)

      In one aspect, Bahaism can be divided into two periods of time: 1) when it was a cult and 2) when it became an organization. The Baha'ism organization is ...

Baha’ism, a semi-Iranian event managed by Americans

One of the Colonial countries which has had a deep bond with Baha'ism is America. A country whose arrogant nature is clear in the world particularly in Iran. The political ...

An ex-Baha’i, Frederic Glaysher’s views on Haifa’s Baha’ism- part 1

Frederick Glaysher is a writer, editor, researcher, poet and one of the Baha'i critics who was blamed by the Baha'i organization for his critical stances and was somehow rejected from ...
John Ricardo

John Ricardo I. “Juan” Cole; American scholar and historian separated from Baha’ism

“John Ricardo I. “Juan” Cole (born on 23rd of October 1952) is an American scholar, public intellectual, and historian of the modern Middle East and South Asia. He is Richard P. Mitchell ...

Abdul Baha and the American image before the entrance of Christophere Colombus into the continent

Abdul Baha has drown a hollow image of humanity before the European emigrated to America: “There was nothing on this peace of land called America. It was a jungle and ...