
The document of an assassination by the universal house of justice / Hoda Ma’ani

Jamshid Ma'ani is one of the high-ranking members of the Bahaism cult and claimed for being the promised one of the forged prophet of Bahaism and has brought about a ...

The assassination of Amir the Great by the deviant cult of Baha’ism

Amir the Great, the skillful chancellor of Naseri periods of time was the reformer of religious and political affairs in addition to his efforts to campaign against Colonialism and arrogance. ...
punishment committee

What was the relationship between the punishment committee and the Baha’is during constitution period of time?

One of the important events related to constitution revolution periods of time was the secret and continuous assassinations centered by “the punishment committee”. For instance, the abortive assassination of Sheikh ...

The Baha’ism assassination in the contemporary history of Iran

The political terrorism started by Babism since mid1840 A.D. / 1260 A.H. and bonded with Babism to such an extent that the names of Babi and terrorist were synonymous late ...

Who killed Amir the Great? The management of a deviation of a historical assassination from Babism to Baha’ism

Mirza Taqi Khan Farahani known as Amir the Great is one of the prominent characters of the Iranian history. During his 3 years and 3 months premiership, he started fundamental ...