
The bragging claim by the deviant cult of Baha’ism – The fulfillment of all promises of the heavenly books

What will Baha'ism say if it is asked to state its belief and claim in several lines? Abul Fadhl Golpaygani, the greatest proselytizer and author of Baha'ism states this claim ...

who is the human being? Human right from the deviant cult of Baha ism point of view

Human rights are being stressed in Baha’ism. The Baha'is consider it as the result the teaching of the oneness of humane world. According to Seyyed Bab nobody is allowed to ...

The bragging claim of the deviant cult of Baha ism-the fulfillment of all promises of the heavenly books

What will Baha'ism say if it is asked to state its claims?       Abulfadhl Golpaygani, the greatest proselytizer and author of Baha’ism states this claim in the beginning of his ...

A glance at history of Azalis

After Bab’s death, he was succeeded by Mirza Yahya Nouri, the younger brother of Mirza Hussein Ali. There is evidence among the works of Bob that indicates the executorship of ...

The history of Bab, from the beginning till the end (part one)

The founder of Bab; Mirza Ali Mohammad Shirazi 1235-1266 AH Birth Bab At first, we deal with the birth and childhood of the person who claimed Babism known as Bab. ...

Another robbery after a great one

A critique on the justification of two different emergences and religious laws in a short distance Claiming by Mirza Ali Mohammad Shirazi as the new prophet of the present age ...

Encoding in Baha’ism

The superficial interpretation and attributing the secrets to the divine texts aiming deviating religions and proving itself are false for Bab and Baha and also for the Excellency Ma’ani Basically, ...

Contradiction in having or not having, is that any miracle or not, at last?

Narrating memoirs in a gathering is attractive. Most people are influenced by a group in a gathering that narrate the adventure differently. Eventually, it will be changed into a fiction ...

Why was Bab Executed

Why was Bab Executed

Can the false claim of Bab be interpreted as transmission to the new era?

By: Seyyed Muhammad Reza Salari How can the emergence of Babism claim and the prophethood of Ali Muhammad Bab be interpreted as the gate for transferring to the new era ...
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