
The Baha’ism assassination in the contemporary history of Iran

The political terrorism started by Babism since mid1840 A.D. / 1260 A.H. and bonded with Babism to such an extent that the names of Babi and terrorist were synonymous late ...

Amir the great’s murder and the expansion of Baha’ism

To support the Babis particularly Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri, Prince Dalgorigi tried hard to overthrow Amir the great cooperated with Mahd Olia (shah’s mother). He made Mirza Agha Khan who ...

The peace claimant must answer: For what sin the third martyr was slain by the Babis

Ayatollah Muhammad Taqi Baraqani known as the 3rd martyr played a key role in guiding people and campaigning against the deviant thoughts of Sheikism and Bahaism. This great scholar was ...