
A brief debate – rendering Baha’ism legitimacy null Part 2

He said:" Are all of these tyrannies against Baha'ism admissible? Aren't all of these privations, oppressions, imprisonments signs of legitimacy? I said: oppression and legitimacy are two separate categories. Maybe, ...

The falseness of Baha’ism using a brief debate

The is an interview with one of the ex-Baha'i proselytizers:     I said: How was the legitimacy of Baha’ism proved for you as a divine religion?"     He said: If ...
dennis macEoin

A brief look at the Biography of Dennis MacEoin

Dennis MacEoin, born on January 26, 1949 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, is a former Islamic studies lecturer specializing in Shi’ism, Sheikhism, the Bab, and the Baha’ism and a former Baha’i. ...