
The news silence reacting the extensive burning of building tomb of Abdul Baha

The site of the project of building tomb for Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi), the Baha’ism leader, in Acre, Israel has been burnt. It is being said that according to statistics, ...

The Baha’is of Iran have been silent for Acre wildfire (burning grave of Abdul Baha)

Concerning wildfire in Acre, the Baha’ism leaders have considered this even as unintentional! The extremist Zionists don’t let other cults to build temples except for the Zionistic ones. So, the ...

As you sow, so shall you reap

The Baha'is desecrated the grave of Diya'u'llah, the son of Baha'u'llah who was buried alongside his father, calling it 'purification' and 'cleansing'. Next they build this huge building in the ...