
The secret and self-interested policy of Bahaism in political affairs of countries and elections

      Bahaism looks upon the policy discussion as a tactic and will enter it if it favors and won't enter if it harms.       Co-existence and interaction with the followers ...

The proselytizing methods of Baha’ism in Various countries

      Because Bahaism and Colonialism have always been two arms for meeting objects of desires of each other, the usurp governments have expressed ad their immense supporting of Baha'ism that ...

Travelling the Baha’is of Sistan and Blouchestan to Baha’ism centers in foreign countries

After ending limitations related to Corona disease, the members of the deviant cult of Baha'ism started their trips abroad again. It is interesting to be noted that the main trips ...

The inherent strategy of the deviant cult of Baha’ism since the beginning of its establishment until today

Hossein Ali Nouri (Baha’u’llah) has ordered that Baha'is should not be ashamed of abjectness: "O’ Brothers, be tolerant with one another and don’t be dependent on the world, don’t be ...
Anti-Cult Laws

Anti-Cult Laws in some countries

China: China Issues Anti-Cult Law (October 30, 1999) The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) issued an anti-cult law on October 30, 1999 to prevent and combat cults ...

Violating the sovereignty of countries by the deviant organization of Baha’ism

In order to gain new humane resources, schools and educational meetings, the Baha’ism organization establishes Ruhi classes in various countries. These schools are be3ing managed by the central staff of ...

A false creed which is being exported to the countries by the kid-killer regime of Israel!!!

Due to the Baha’ism leaders’ services, the Israeli regime has recognize Baha’ism officially in addition to genocide and displacing the Palestinians. As professor Norman Nyevich (a former prosecutor for the ...