The role of the Baha’i elements in the third coup

The role of the Baha’i elements in the third coup

      The bond and cooperation between Bahaism and the Zionistic regime is of the clear realities in history. This cooperation and interaction which continued increasingly to the last moments of ...

Criticizing the deployment of fascist element of Bahaism concerning the victory of the Iranian national football team against Japan

After the victory of the Iranian national football team against Japan, the fascist Baha'i member interviewed with the satanic Zionistic television, Iran International and said the coach of the national ...

Reflection on an invitation (part 8)

In current solar month of Tir, the deviant cult of Baha’ism runs a campaign called “#Iran- without-hate” by some prominent elements of Baha’ism. Thursday, Tir 24, 1400 S.H., July 15, ...