
Baha’ism in the course of the enemies of people

The Baha’ism organization is trying to make a gap between people and sovereignty by accusation and aversion. However, it perks to be in the direction of Iranian people. A glance ...

Supporting enemies by Mowlawi Abdul Hamid and his contradictory remarks

The Excellency Abdul Hamid is the one who received a title called the one who has tried for human rights in 1393 S.H. An illegal foundation called the center for ...

Which position and station does the Excellency Bahaullah consider for his enemies in the Day of Judgment?!!!

Contrary to his interpretation concerning the Day of Judgment and its attribution to the emergence of prophets, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’is has promised fire for his opponents. Consequently, what ...

The Cult-like Obsession with “Internal Enemies”

The number one reason the Baha'i Faith functions exactly like a cult is the fact that its institutions are obsessed with rooting out "internal enemies" to expel and threaten. This ...