
Controversy and exaggeration of the deviant cult of Baha’ism due to the cemetery of the Baha’is of Tehran City

Why does Baha'ism organization consider itself to be prominent comparing other Iranian people?! why do Iranian people pay for the burial of their deceased ones, but the Baha’ ism organization ...

Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee’s exaggeration about the holy Imam’s (peace be upon them) position

We know Sheikh Ahmad Ehsaee with his special view toward religious rudiments. Having false view and exaggerating in various issues, he caused Babism and Baha’ism to be emerged. This man ...

Baha’ism lifestyle (Trying to increase population)

Despite the Baha’is residing in Iran encountered sensitively with the policies announced by the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran during 1370s concerning population control, they decided to continue ...