Abdul Baha3

He who excuses himself, excuses himself

(During his lifetime) Abdul Baha asked the Baha’is to be impartial if revolutions or political transformation happened in Iran. He asked the Baha’is not to participate in any sedition, but ...

The aggressive proselytizing of the Baha’is with the excuse of educating kids

By: Hussein Eshqi Baha’ism consider education as a public and compulsory issue. All kids whether the poor and the rich, girl and boys must learn the basic rudiments of sciences ...

Why do we know Baha’ism as a really English cult?

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 7) While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a ...

Baha’ism: Regulating human rights just for us not for the others

With the excuse of the centenary anniversary of Abdul Baha’s death, the second leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism (part 4) While ago, the Baha’ism organization has started a ...

The educational restrictions, an excuse for hate by the Baha’is

By claiming for issuing an enactment concerning the limitation for the Baha’is education in Iran, the Baha’ism organization is preaching hate against our country. Can’t the Baha’is remove the claimed ...

Baha’u’llah’s polygamy: Excuse of following customs of Islam invalid according to reasoning of Shoghi Effendi

The Baha'i justification for Baha'u'llah marrying his first cousin and a woman given to him by a Babi in addition to the teenager he first married has always been "It ...