Bahaism shares all massacres in Palestine !!!!

Bahaism shares all massacres in Palestine !!!!

      During the current months when the usurp regime of Zionism massacres Palestinian people particularly the people of Gaza extensively and shabbily, the question is that: What is the role ...

The Baha’ism organization dependence on America

      What is worthy to be thought is that Baha'ism is an extensive organization which is expanding day by day supported by aliens financially and intellectually.       The most important ...

Disunity influence is the result of Baha’ism in India

Bahaismiran: The extensive proselytizing and the attempts by the members of the deviant cult of Baha'ism to be influential on various countries are of the organizational programs of this cult. ...

The news silence reacting the extensive burning of building tomb of Abdul Baha

The site of the project of building tomb for Abdul Baha (Abbas Effendi), the Baha’ism leader, in Acre, Israel has been burnt. It is being said that according to statistics, ...