
The Baha’is of Iran have been silent for Acre wildfire (burning grave of Abdul Baha)

Concerning wildfire in Acre, the Baha’ism leaders have considered this even as unintentional! The extremist Zionists don’t let other cults to build temples except for the Zionistic ones. So, the ...

The Baha’is and disinterring the Baha’i graves

Disregarding with their leaders’ will and the commandment of the forged prophet of Baha’ism regarding transferring of dead bodies, the Baha’ism organization and the Baha’i leaders have disinterred the reminders ...

The media silence about Abbas Effendi’s (Abdul Baha) grave which was made fire

It is reported that three days have been passed since one hundred million dollars grave of Abdul Baha has been caught fire, but all western media haven’t reported and mentioned ...