
The song “Hello, the commander” and speaking allusively with Hojjatieh association by the TV. Announcer

Amir Hussein Sabeti twitted: “The song ‘Hello the commander’ could revive the name and commemoration of the Excellency Mahdi (P.H.), but Hojjatieh association couldn’t do this during 70 years since ...
hojjatieh Association

Deferent narrations about the reason for establishing Hojjatieh Association

Emaduddin Baqi says: “What is certain is that the emergence and movement of Hojjatieh Association was in the end of the main direction of campaign and turning to secondary issues ...

The false thought of Hojjatieh association concerning the topic of waiting

A dialogue with the clergyman Mohsen Ansari Nia:   What are the dimensions of Imam of the Time's (P.H.) life? Imam of the Time's (P.H.) life is consisting of two ...

How do the religious people who are against the Islamic system of government are being educated in Hojjatieh association?

Hojjatieh association is going to educated forces who against the system of government of Iran and are anti-Revolution although they are religious. Although Hojjatieh association has been established earlier 1360s ...

The false thought of Hojjatieh association concerning the topic of waiting

A dialogue with the clergyman Mohsen Ansari Nia:   What are the dimensions of Imam of the Time's (P.H.) life? Imam of the Time's (P.H.) life is consisting of two ...