
The illegitimate son of the Satanic Zionist Baha’ism front in the front line of the arrogant front in Yemen

In order to project the illegal activity of this misguided cult in Yemen, the organization of the Baha'i universal House of Justice (the universal house of tyranny)  posed the legal ...

The political bond between dervishes and Baha’ism

The note which is worthy to be thought in Ahmad Shahid’s report is being the political cult of Tabandeh alongside with the deviant cult of Baha’ism. In this report, Baha’ism ...

Insulting and giving hideous titles to races in Baha’ism

Contrary to Baha’ism proselytizing in preaching the slogan of the oneness of humane world some tribes in this cult have been merited to be insulted due to their races and ...

The Baha’i commandments/part-37 – Visiting the polytheists (Those who reject Hussein Ali Nouri’s position) is illegitimate!

While the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism has announced visiting his followers with the polytheists (those who reject the position of Hussein Ali Nouri) as illegitimate; the Baha’is organization is speaking ...

The father and the son who were claiming for prophethood; but they were drinking the illegitimate alcohol better than the legitimate water

The religion makers of the Baha’ism cult have announced each kind of intoxicant as strictly illegitimate in their forged commandments; as Abdul Baha has declared: “according to the Aqdas book ...

Seyyed Ismaeel Zarwareh

Seyyed Ismaeel Zarwareh’s was one of Ali Muhammad Bab’s followers in 1284 A.H. He turned against Baha’ism because he had figured out the filthy nature of Baha’ism. He was murdered ...

The Baha’i commandment- part 22

ordering one to do something that’s allowed by religion is illegitimate in Baha’ism; but proselytizing for Baha’ism is indispensable Contrary to the character sketch of the divine religions in the ...