
Bahaullah vis-à-vis Divine Prophets Part – 2

By: Nadeem Alam Qurayshi Bahaullah also believes in independent investigation of truth and that religion must conform to reason otherwise it is superstition. Bahaullah has also forbidden the interpretation of his writings and thus ...

Abdul Baha and rejecting the adventure of the Excellency Adam and Eve dismissal

Bahaismiran: Abdul Baha who has ignored the clear text of the divine books (concerning the advent of Adam and Eve) has spoken against the logical principles and has even forgotten ...

Encoding in Baha’ism

The superficial interpretation and attributing the secrets to the divine texts aiming deviating religions and proving itself are false for Bab and Baha and also for the Excellency Ma’ani Basically, ...

Can the false claim of Bab be interpreted as transmission to the new era?

By: Seyyed Muhammad Reza Salari How can the emergence of Babism claim and the prophethood of Ali Muhammad Bab be interpreted as the gate for transferring to the new era ...