
who is more malicious?

      To be honest, Saddam Hussein massacred tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi Shias and made Iraqi kids orphans and attacked Iran and caused more than 240 thousand of Zealous ...

Some ideas and commandments of Bahaullah adopted by Sufism – Part 6

By exiling Mirza Hussein Ali Nouri (Bahaullah) to Iraq and escaping Mirza Yahya Sobhi Azal (Bahaullah's brother) to that country, Babism was formed in Iraq this time and their activities ...

The trace of the universal house of tyranny (justice) and the British Baha’i national assembly in the adventure of American attack to Iraq Part-4

Bahaismiran: In 2003, A.D., the United States of America and its coalition attacked Iraq with the excuse of the existence of mass destruction weapons in Iraq and supporting Al-Qaedeh terroristic ...

The Shia Iraq is coveted by the deviant cult of Bahaism

     The total functions of the deviant cult of Baha'ism in Iraq are as follows: anti- human rights measures, Killing, robbery, influence, spying, insulting, deviating religions in service of the ...

An ex-Baha’i, Frederic Glaysher’s views on Haifa’s Baha’ism- part 1

Frederick Glaysher is a writer, editor, researcher, poet and one of the Baha'i critics who was blamed by the Baha'i organization for his critical stances and was somehow rejected from ...

The universal house of justice answer to those who were killed during the war between Iran and Iraq

Making prominent the reward of the organizational and proselytizing activities of the Iranian Baha’is, the leadership foundation of Baha’ism used the word killed instead of martyr and weakened the position ...