
Parviz Sabeti’s lie about his religion (Muslim or Baha’i)

     In the first part of Parviz Sabeti's document casted in Manato network, the interior manager of security of SAVAK claimed for his family to be both Muslim and Baha'i; ...

The evangelic Christianity and Baha’ism, two Zionistic Satanic cults

Baha'ism, Intellectually, reality and Straight path can't have more ways but just one; although it is worthy to discuss which path is true. Theologically, the path which has become distinct ...
leo Tolstoy

Leo Tolstoy: This (Baha’ism) belief is null

In an article published on the occasion of commemoration of the forged prophet of Baha’ism, the Baha’ism organization spoke about Hussein Ali Baha’s teachings and narrated praising Baha’ism cult by ...