
The leader of the deviant cult of Baha’ism: The mouners of the Lord of the Martyrs are crueler than his Killers

Don't surprise. The forged prophet of Bahaism has considers the mourners of the Lord of the Martyrs (P.H.) who are Shia scholars as a group as crueler than his killers ...

The shameless insulting to martyrs by the announcer of the Baha’i channel of Manoto

    Omid Khalili, the announcer of Manoto network says: Now when the anonymous martyrs have been brought, they must be prevented to be brought. They have caused us to be ...

The role of the martyrs of Islam in preventing tendency towards Cults

Because human being is a two-dimensional creature, the existence of requirements for both dimensions can't be ignored in the society materially and spiritually. Even, the lack of harmony in meeting ...

The universal house of justice answer to those who were killed during the war between Iran and Iraq

Making prominent the reward of the organizational and proselytizing activities of the Iranian Baha’is, the leadership foundation of Baha’ism used the word killed instead of martyr and weakened the position ...

Confronting the culture of zeal and chastity by insulting and affronting the homeland martyrs

Like his leader, the Baha’i proselytizer compared the defenders of homeland with... and considered the pure bodies of martyrs as inferior to… due to supporting the culture of Hijab and ...

The seven martyrs or evils?!!!

Bab's maternal uncle (entitled the greatest maternal uncle) were active in Babi riot along with six other Babis were executed in 1266 A.H. in Tehran city. However, as if the ...