Rouhi plan

Rouhi plan, the systematic method of proselytizing in Bahaism

      Rouhi plan is one of the systematic proselytizing methods of Bahaism aiming to preach and proselytize in order to deceive and recruit approved by the Baha'ism organization center and ...

The proselytizing methods of Baha’ism in Various countries

      Because Bahaism and Colonialism have always been two arms for meeting objects of desires of each other, the usurp governments have expressed ad their immense supporting of Baha'ism that ...

Mahsa Amini and Baha’i Ismaeel pour’s method of campaigning

To oppose Mahsa Amini death, Morteza Ismaeel pour, the Baha’i medium activist called people to destroy the public properties, conflicting with police and making traffic. However, the Baha’ism which boycotted ...