The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults

Understanding the components of mind control in the cults Part 4: The Control of awareness by the cults

      The last component of mind control is the control of members’ awareness and data. Steven Hassan says: Control of data is the last component of mind control. ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults-part 3

The understanding of the components of mind control in the cults – part 3

     ...One of the other function of the cults which is considered as the third components of mind control is controlling emotions. The cults try to dominate on person's ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults

The understanding of the components of mind control in the cults – part 2

      The second component of control in cults is thought control. The important note is that how can the cult make the member observe and analyze the world as the ...
The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults-part 3

The understanding of the components of mind Control in the cults-part 1

Steven Hassan says about mind control as a person who has been a victim of a cult: "It is obvious that nobody is able to understand mind control by the ...