The internal contradictions

The internal contradictions Criticizing the Bahaism beliefs – the problems and criticisms over the Bahaism cult beliefs

      Bahaism cult is of the baseless humane creed which is in lack of religious strong and documented principles and criteria. Its intellectual beliefs and principles are in lack of ...

The deviant creed of Baha’ism and the temperaments of human beings

According to Baha’i belief, the nature of human beings or temperament is divided into intrinsic and acquired. It is considered that the acquired temperament of people will be clean if ...

Insulting and giving hideous titles to races in Baha’ism

Contrary to Baha’ism proselytizing in preaching the slogan of the oneness of humane world some tribes in this cult have been merited to be insulted due to their races and ...

Helping the poor is a serious contradiction with the principle of oneness

Concerning the poor and helping them, the Excellency Mirza Baha has been influenced by the new civilization environment and announced the poor’s begging as boycotted and has announced meeting their ...

The principle of the oneness of humane world which has been violated by the Baha’i leaders

The second principle of the Baha'is is the oneness of humane world. They claim for all human being to be created by the Excellencies of Lords. Color, face and sight ...