
The prohibition of diffusion of the Baha’i leaders’ voice and image by the Bahaism organization

      One of the proselytizing channels of Bahaism published some materials entitled "the method of the Baha'is in using holy Keepsakes and things concerning the works left by the ancestors ...

The reason for the prohibition of proselytizing Baha’ism in Israel

The discussion of proselytizing is one of the important issues in the deviant cult of Baha'ism; so that, a person who doesn't do his/her duty in this regard he/she may ...

Announcing the beginning of the proselytizing program in Jordan despite of announcing its prohibition by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism

The Baha’ism organization announced about producing and casting its radio program in the country of Jordan. The first question posed in this regard is that why is the Baha’ism organization ...

Baha’ism and contradiction in the prohibition of defending the land and the universal government!

The leaders of the Baha’ism cult have considered defending the hometown against the aggressive and the tyrants as an indecent issue. However; in the Baha’i deviant cult, the Baha’i leaders ...