
The Common project of the Colonial cults of Wahhabism and Baha ism to destroy Arba’een Husseini and riot in Iran

Persian TV telegram Channel investigated the common project of two Colonial cults of Baha’ism and Wahhabism to destroy Arba’een extensively and to create riot during these days in Iran and ...
Padideh Sabeti-2

Mrs. Padideh Sabeti, the project of pretending to be oppressed is not influential anymore

Padideh Sabeti claimed for the current detentions of the members of Baha’ism organization to be done to frighten the Baha’is and to perk them as guilty for the problems of ...
abdul baha-Bahaiat

Why does Baha’ism follow the project of constructing Abdul Baha’s resting place?

Contrary to its slogan of philanthropy, the Baha’ism has practically shown that not only it doesn’t assign its rostrum in the United Nations to defend non-Baha’is, but also it doesn’t ...

Publishing the book “The underground university of the Iranian Baha’is” is the new project of displaying the strategy of the Baha’i pretending to be oppressed and human rights pressure

Baha’ism has been posed as a deviant cult since nearly 160 years till now in the Iranian community. During this period of time, the governments and the religious foundations have ...

Pretending to be oppressed by Baha’ism to justify the failure in the project of “Iran without hate”

  I its current project against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Baha’ism organization wasn’t even supported by the Iranian Baha’is. However, how can the Baha’ism ask for formal rostrum ...