
A madman who assumed himself as God

One of the justifications of claiming for divinity by the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism is likening his statements to manifestation. However, this justification won’t be acceptable due to several reasons: ...

God’s will, the justification of disability of the forged prophet of Baha’ism

Adducing the Almighty God’s force, the forged prophet of Baha’ism interprets his disability in presenting miracle as God’s will, but how can the forged prophet of Baha’ism claim for having ...

A prediction which has never fulfilled

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism considered the time for its cult’s universality and establishing general peace in the world as after the universal wars! So, Abdul Baha appointed 1335 S.H. ...
false claimants

The introduction of the Excellency Mahdi’s (P.H.) measures by the holy prophet (P.H.) in Ghadir Sermon

The holy prophet (P.H.) has pointed out a series of characteristics and measures which would be fulfilled by Mahdi such as dominating on religions, revenging the tyrants and avenging God’s ...

How can we accept Baha’ism creed while it has no proof?

Rejecting the divine prophets’ miracles, the self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism claimed for his semi-verses can merely be considered as the reason for its legitimacy, but if it were so, why ...

The self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism’s view at scholar and the ignorant person

Believing in resurrection and the day of judgment is one of the primary principles of the religion of Islam and all heavenly and divine religions which means becoming alive again ...
self-proclaimed prophet

The Baha’i self-proclaimed prophet’s view: Those who occupied Iran possessed the divine intention!

The Baha’i proselytizers have assumed the claim for the Baha’ism relationship with the Colonialism as of the accusations currently claimed by the enemies of the cult, while the self-proclaimed prophet ...

Was Bahaullah a Prophet or Imposter??!!

In Islam, worship of Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) is one of the gravest sins you can commit. Muslims don’t like being called Muhammeddans’ as they believe that it gives the wrong ...

The prophet who rejected his prophethood!

I am going to speak with the Baha’is who have ruined their world and religion intentionally or unintentionally and are dealing with sensations, bigotries and enmity and don’t want to ...

Love of freedom stated by the forged self-proclaimed prophet of Baha’ism

According to the Aqdas text, if the people of a country are afflicted by a tyrant dictator or are attacked or dominated by the foreign powers, they aren’t allowed to ...
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