
The deviant cult of Baha’ism, the supporter of the bloodthirsty regimes

The secret of Martyr Tayyeb’s murder who is one of the combatants before the Islamic revolution The review of martyr Tayyeb Hajj Rezaee’s biography: Martyr Tayyeb Hajj Rezaee was called ...

The dictatorial and oppressing regimes are using the deviant cult of Baha’ism to break the spirit of resistance of genuine fighters

After World War II the dictatorial and related regimes in various countries gained power. Liberalists also confronted them to get themselves free from these regimes. So, the prisons became full ...

Abdul Baha, an example of serving the oppressive regimes

The universal house of justice is trying to introduce Abdul Baha as a good example for the people of the world. However; a glance at this Baha’i leader’s life reveals ...